Buttercreams & Icings Recipes
I love buttercream with good consistency. There are many types of buttercream recipes out there. The more common types of recipes are the American Crusting buttercream, the Italian Buttercream, and the Swiss Buttercream. I will add to this list the whipped cream used as buttercream and those that are made with nondairy products that have a long stable life shelf.
I live in Florida and it's very hot and humid. Not all buttercream will do well in a hot environment. Butter will tend to melt and dairy needs refrigeration. Crusting buttercream is the strongest icing out there for hot weather that will cover a cake smoothly. With that said all buttercreams should stay out of hot areas. No matter how strong the recipe is, there's always a melting point. Here are my favorite recipes. I will add more as I have time!