Edna De la Cruz
Welcome to “My Cake Family” Community!!!
I’m so excited to announce that I have created a community called “My Cake Family!” For everyone who loves baking and wants to take their skills to the next level of creating wonderful works of art with CAKE. Come together and learn how to
draw inspiration for new ideas that will help you create the foundation for your next project by Mastering the art of
Designing A Cake! Now, Design Me A Cake is proud to announce our own community where everyone can be free to find inspiration, learn skills and ways to process ideas, but most importantly… Learn how to Design Your Own Cakes
the way Edna De La Cruz has for many years.
As many of you know already, I have suffered from Lupus and Fibromyalgia, for most of my life, but never have I used this reason as an excuse to not do what I love most and that’s teaching. I’m not going to lie that there are days where I feel like I’ve been run over by a Mack truck and can’t even get out of bed, but I get inspiration and strength from my followers, to teach everything I have learned over the last couple of decades. I know many of you go through their own hardships. And yes..getting old sucks! Lol
I just want to let everyone know that I will be adding more videos to this section of my website throughout the year to help My Cake Family learn how to Master the Art of Design. Besides my many Autoimmune Disorders, I am the sole person managing my business, designing my website, shipping orders, editing videos, and creating the platform for all to learn. So now everyone can understand why it takes time to create these videos; because I make sure I teach everything I know step by step.
My Cake Family is the main reason why I get out of bed each day and I can’t wait to experience a new adventure, creating masterpieces that could inspire others to express their passion, love, and happiness to the world, like I try to do every single moment. One of my favorite things to do is create cakes using what I have found to be the easiest techniques and build a cake one layer at a time, and I want to help everyone find their own inspiration and method in designing the technique that works for them. Nothing is more exciting for me than finding new ways to create cakes with flowers, lace, prints, piping, etc., that are edible, realistic, and truly breathtaking .
Remember, mastering the arts of design is something that takes practice, repetition, and lots and lots of love! With my step-by-step videos on how to Master your designing skill sets, you too can learn how to take your own desires and ideas, and implement them into designing your very own Design Me a Cake that’s truly one of a kind, and at the same time with your very own flavor, twist, spice and everything nice.
All of your contributions and donations to be a part of this “My Cake Family” community help me continue to be able to teach the world how to find inspiration, create the foundation, and Master the Art of Design by loving what you do, keep doing what you love, and give that same love back to your new Cake Family.
Join My Cake Family and become a part of a team that will together make any dream become a cake reality.
See you around.. Ta ta!